About Us

OLHCA School Mass, September 2019
Our Lady Help of Christians Academy offers Traditional Catholic education for boys and girls from Kindergarten through 12th grade.
True education is the consummate union of sanctity and intellect.
Our Lady Help of Christians Academy strives to educate its students in accordance with this principle expressed by St. Thomas Aquinas, Patron of Catholic Schools. OLHCA instructs its students in the Catholic Faith while providing a structured and disciplined environment that allows for academic excellence at all grade levels.
The Academy provides children with a thorough Catholic education founded upon traditional principles. The school strives ultimately to form good Catholic citizens, men and women willing and able to work for the restoration of all things in Christ, freely submitting to the reign of Our Lord in the spiritual, moral, intellectual, and
physical realms.
Our mission as a private Catholic school is to develop the minds, bodies, and souls of students in accordance with the perennial educational and moral principles of the Roman Catholic Church. We operate under the Society of Saint Pius X, and provide a structured, traditional, social, and academic environment in which students pursue truth within a rigorous, balanced curriculum, and take active part in the life and liturgy of a thriving community fully committed to developing Christian values. By providing an atmosphere of serious scholarship and Catholic vitality, Our Lady Help of Christians Academy strives, as inspired by the motto of the Society of Saint Pius X, to equip students “To restore all things in Christ.”
Learning is a profoundly human process, one best accomplished through patient, qualitative drawing out, rather than mechanistic, quantitative filling up. The school strives continuously to provide the best possible facilities, tools, and material resources, in terms of texts and an integrated curriculum, simultaneously recognizing that our teachers’ mastery of subject matter, ability to communicate, and, above all, love for our students, are what finally foster a desire for learning in those students. Our curriculum challenges minds; our teachers work with God to form souls.