7th & 8th Graders Visit the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum
by Leo Holm, 10th Grade
On November 28th, the students of the 7th and 8th grade classes took a field trip to Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum.
Mrs. Terri McDermott, who organized the trip, was joined by Fr. Dylan Flanery, Mr. Mason Peddemors, Mrs. Kittim De La Torre, Mr. Daniel Eddy, and Miss Megan Eddy as chaperones.
They started their adventure with a guided tour of the facilities before going on to explore the interactive space exhibit. As a number of the students brought their cameras, and as the school photographer Miss Megan Eddy was present, Fr. Flanery challenged everyone in the group to an impromptu photography contest for the field trip. During lunch the various contestants presented their three favorite photos of the trip to Fr. Flanery, who then picked a winner. For his splendid photo of Mr. Peddemors posing with a bomb, Cyprian Bushnell claimed the title of victor and took home a commemorative mug from the museum gift shop, courtesy of the contest organizer and judge, Fr. Flanery.
The teachers all felt that the event went well and were pleased to report that the students enjoyed their trip. They received compliments from the museum staff for their interest and their good behavior.
But how did the students think the day went? While some struggled with the large amount of information being presented, the students (especially the boys) enjoyed the interactive space exhibit, and Bridget Cummings (7th Grade) reported that the visit was a lot of fun. Cyprian Bushnell (7th Grade) commented that “it was cool to see how these things work, and how they’ve improved over time.”